1/7/2025 - We are establishing our Sea Day routine, it’s like IRCC. I went to water aerobics at the pool at 8 AM and John walked the track on the Promenade Deck! The Water Aerobics Instructor is a guest who volunteers to lead the class. There were eight of us and she did a good workout to music, very similar to Sybil’s classes at IRCC. The water was a little chilly, but I like to think I’m burning off more calories! Once you get going it’s not bad. A little more “public” that I would like with people walking by and watching or looking down from the walking path on the 10th Deck above. The Polar Bear by the pool is a holdover from when the Zuiderdam did primarily Alaskan cruises (he’d feel right at home in the cold water)! John only did a mile because the deck was wet and slippery, but he plans to get back up to 2-3 miles, deck conditions permitting.

There’s a lecture every day about the port we are visiting next. There were also several lectures about the history of the Panama Canal where we will be transiting Thursday, January 9th. We’re going all the way through this time – last Christmas when we took a Panama Canal Cruise on this same ship, we only went through the first lock an turned around and headed home.

The big event of the day was the first Formal Night and Captain’s Champagne Reception. Most of the men did wear suits, about 20% in tuxedos. John wore his Prince Charlie Kilt Outfit with official Blue US Navy tartan (he was the only one we saw in a kilt)! He got lots of “thumbs up” from the women (a few from men as well). He looked great! It reminded me of when John Kennedy and his wife visited Paris, and the city went crazy for Jacqueline. Kennedy said, “He was the man who accompanied Jacquline Kennedy to Paris”! I was the woman who accompanied John to formal night! 

We said we weren’t going to send pictures of every meal, but I wish we had a camera last night. John didn’t have his phone since his kilt didn’t have pockets! Usually the servings are modest, “stingy” by American standards but certainly more than enough when you’re having 3 courses. We both ordered the veal chop and expect a small little chop - NOT! They were the largest veal chops we’d ever seen. John said he didn’t know baby cows (tried not to think about that) could have chops that big. They were like the pictures you see of Cowboy Tomahawk Steaks.

Then on to the Captain’s Reception. It wasn’t a “reception” since he was on the World Stage, and we were in the audience, but they did service Champagne! We have found our favorite place to watch World Stage activities, top level and the very back were they have a counter and bar stools. You’re above and behind everyone which appeals to “Covid Concerned” John. After getting sick last time, he’s super cautious (but we think we caught the bug in the van to the ship, not on it). The captain gave a humorous and informative talk. He’s only forty-seven and has been a Captain since he was forty. He and another Captain (Captain Frank who we had on our Christmas Cruise last year) split the World Cruise duties. He’ll leave in Singapore and Captain Frank will come aboard. He introduced the Ships Officers. The head of Hotel Operations is retiring at the end of this cruise after thirty-one years with the company and twenty-one World Cruises!

After the Reception, we stayed for the entertainment – great guitarist Diego Figueiredo. He’s originally from Brazil but now resides in Sarasota. He was amazing. He’s been nominated for numerous music awards and was asked to play at a television concert for Quincy Jone’s several years ago. Looking forward to his next appearance on the World Stage.

It didn’t seem the evening could get any better, we returned to our room to find a towel rabbit and World Cruise Swag! Holland America always gives “gifts” to World Cruisers. We each received a nice Holland American tote bag containing small over the shoulder bag to hold a water bottle and small items when going ashore, a small case for credit cards and identification (with special block screen to protect your information), a grey sun hat (think Henry Fonda “On Golden Pond - John really likes it), also a rain poncho. John says he’s not planning to go out in the rain, but he may have to in some ports sometimes. Also included, a small charging unit you can carry with you on excursions in case your phone (or other essentials) “dies” when you are out and about and need a charge! Fortunately, it came with instructions!

Exciting day! We changed our time zones, and the ship rolled back its clocks at 2 AM. We set our clocks back before we went to bed. We were glad to get the extra hours sleep but we were up at 5 AM (which had been 6 AM the day before)!

Another Great Day!

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